Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Working with Werewolves 2

We have a basic deck to start with. Here it is:

I know it needs work but we have to start somewhere. 

A few things I found out while testing. 

First, when it hits a stride, it rocks. An Instigator Gang and with Full Moon's Rise and a few other packmates can take a single attack into 30 to 50 trample damage.

Second,  Moonmist can turn the tide in a   heartbeat. I attacked with one Reckless Waif, and two Instigator Gang, cast Moonmist and  BLAM, a 3/2 and two 2/3 become a 9/2 and two 11/5 trample. Also, all the blockers will not deal damage if they are not wolves or werewolves themselves. It was really nice to run over a Wurmcoil Engine, split it in two and not have my guy die. Sweet!!

Third, Kruin Outlaw and Daybreak Ranger are better than I thought. You can get a lot of utility out of fighting with a Nightfall Predator. I used it to clear the board for an all out attack. 

 The evasion granted by Terror of Kruin Pass really good. He cast Timely Reinforcements on his last turn going from 3 to 9 and getting the three blockers. He chose not to block after trying and seeing that he could not block all three attackers since he needed two to block the werewolf. I was on the draw for this one. A turn two Mayor of Avabruck and turn three Kruin Outlaw put the game away in short order.

The werewolves are just clunky, however. When you get them out and flip them, they are great. When you can't flip them or they don't stay flipped, not so great. Even if you have one flipped and some others waiting in the wings it seems like you just waste your time by not casting anything on your turn so they can flip. So I added Crown of Empires to give me something to do with mana and to tap potential defenders or potential attackers. 

Why not the crown instead of Tumble Magnet? Crown costs less and can keep tapping time and again. On more than one occasion I had my turn one Reckless Waif flip on my opponent's first turn only to be copied by a Phantasmal Image on my opponent's second turn. That slowed me down. Also, all the Titans and Wurmcoil Engines, need to be tapped so they can't attack. In a longer game I like the idea of being able to tap a creature every turn until I can build my forces, Tumble Magnet is good, but I don't have any way to replenish the counters. The crown costs mana to activate, but after I flip a few werewolves I don't they extra mana can't be used without flipping them back over, so having a sink for it is going to be helpful.

I am a bit skeptical of Kessig Wolf Run, but in longer games it gives another outlet for dumping mana and can target those pesky illusions if need be. 

This version is all werewolves, I will make some minor adjustments and publish a newer version next. I need some way to interact with my opponent more than what I have so far. So what do you think? What does it need interact more? I haven't even thought of a sideboard yet. Thoughts? 

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